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Gluten Free Unicorn Pancake Recipe


Buy Buttermilk Pancake


Recipe by @lydiabakes


  • YesYouCan Buttermilk Pancake

  • Pink, blue and purple food colouring

  • 1 cup Icing Sugar

  • 2 tbsp. Milk

  • 1/4 tsp. Strawberry Essence

  • 1 tbsp. Butter, softened

  • Sprinkles

  • Candy



  1. Make pancakes following packet or recipe directions.

  2. Heat pan to medium heat (you don't want it too hot or the pancakes go brown and you can't see the lovely colours!)

  3. Divide batter between three bowls and tint mixture with a few drops of food colouring in each.

  4. Using a dessert spoon, spoon one colour into three mounds on the pan, quickly followed by the next colour and then the next.

  5. Use a bamboo skewer to swirl the colours together.

  6. Cook for approximately 1-2 minutes or until bubbles appear on one side.

  7. Flip and cook for another minute.

  8. While pancakes are cooking mix icing ingredients together in a small bowl, adding milk if it gets too thick.

  9. Divide icing between three bowls and add 1-2 drops of food colouring in each.

  10. Stack pancakes nice and high, alternating between pink, blue and purple.

  11. Heat icing in microwave for 10 seconds until runny and spoon on top of pancake stacks.

  12. Cut fruit candy sticks on an angle at the top to make unicorn "horns". Place candy and sprinkles on top and enjoy!


Buttermilk Pancake Mix

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